It’s true; the Sauder Village Quilt Show will start next Tuesday, April 30th, and I’ve been working to get my two entries ready for the show. The show features about 400 quilts from the very talented quilters from our region and beyond. It’s always a treat to see what everyone is working on and, of course, to see my own quilts hanging in the show. If you are anywhere near northwest Ohio I’d encourage you to come see the show! It’s set in an historic village, which will open for the season on the first day of the show. For full information, see the Sauder Village website. If you’re inclined to make it an overnight visit, there is a lovely inn right on the premises!
I can share one of my entries with you; I’m still finishing up the other entry. This is an original design that I’ve been wanting to make for quite some time. I finally tackled it a last fall’s quilt retreat, sent it out to Charisma’s Corner for longarming and finished up the binding in the last week or two.
I was so fortunate to have Charisma quilt it for me. She does incredible work and I felt strongly that this quilt needed top-notch custom quilted. She really did my top justice and I’m so pleased to enter it in the show.
My favorite part of the quilting is the gorgeous feathers along the sides and the way they wrap around the corners. I took great pains with the design to make sure that I had blank spaces for quilting and I’m so glad I did.
The quilt is 85″ square and I used Northcott’s Stonehenge fabrics and Aurifil 50 wt. thread for piecing. This was my first time using Aurifil and I’m so glad I did. It helped me to keep my seams as accurate as I could, and it’s now my thread of choice.
I hope to release a pattern of the quilt sometime after the show. It was fairly easy to make, suitable for a confident beginner, with lots of chain piecing and not too much fuss matching seams. It would be lovely in other colorways and especially in a scrappy version. The only ruler I used other than my standard one is the Tri-Recs Tool. I’m hooked on it!
Here are a few other views:
This quilt needs a name! I could do what I always do and ask my husband to name it but I thought it would be much more fun if you all gave me your suggestions by leaving a comment below.
I’ll choose two winners from among all the submissions – one whose name I like and one at random – and you’ll each win a set of ten fat quarters from my way too vast collection. Let’s hear those ideas! Want an extra entry? Share this blog post on Facebook and let me know in your comment.
Don’t really have a name for you… not good at that but just wanted to let you know that the quilt and quilting is just stunning!!!! Good luck at the show!
It’s gorgeous! Feathers Unchained maybe/ Not that I really need any more FQ’s but that name came to me. Good Luck at the quilt show!
How about Hawaiian Melody, the colors and the quilting remind me of quilts we used to see in Maui. It is truly beautiful. Lynda Maram
Stairway to the Stars
I’m thinking: Cathedral Chain
I like everything about this quilt – the design, the quilting, the fabric choices. Very peaceful. Thank you. Faith.
What a beautiful quilt. I would call it Autumn Inspiration.
Hi, Lynda,
Your quilt is very pretty. For some reason several names came to mind:
1. Cheese and crackers
2. Fall fling
3. Pieceful Path
Hope to share on Facebook if I can figure it out!
Good luck!
Hmmm, I’m thinking something like Through the Chain Links, but I’m not very good at naming quilts! Good luck, wish I could come see the show in person, maybe someday!
Hi Lynda! I would call it “straite circles”as that was my first resapinse to the pattern. Have fun at the show! Great to enter 2 quilts!
Beautiful quilt. My name is Chained Star.
I saw your post on the sbs group. What a wonderful beautiful quilt you made !!!
When I saw it, I saw jewels in it and the colors remind me to a desert. So I think the name Desert Jewels would fit perfectly.
Again …. this quilt is amazing !!
Your quilt is so pretty. It’s got a lot of movement!
Thank you all for the lovely comments! This quilt is one of my favorites and after the show I’m hoping to hang it in our living room. Thanks also for all the name suggestions.
I decided to go with Southwest Splendor. The colors have a southwest feel and it seemed appropriate. Although I didn’t choose any of the suggested names, you all got me thinking in different directions and that helped me choose a name.
We do have two winners, both chosen at random – Lynda from Chicago and MaryJean Bower. I’ve emailed both of you for your snail mail addresses and your fat quarters will be on the way! Congratulations!